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Minggu, 30 Agustus 2015

MAMA MUSI - Taman Ratu Indah

Akhirnya ada restoran sekomplek yang bisa gw review! lol. Udah 2-3 bulan ini sering lewat di depan restoran ini namun akhirnya baru coba 29 Agustus kemarin. Tema nya sih Palembang food tapi karena design nya agak gaul jadinya bikin penasaran.

Jumat, 28 Agustus 2015

CREAMY MOLLY - Baked Maraconi

[PRODUCT REVIEW] I think this is my very first food product review after all those cafe/ restaurant/ lounge reviews. And I've been blessed with this part-time job as I got to taste some delicious food around Jakarta and met new people with the same passion. This Macaroni product is unexceptionally one hell delicious snack? meal?

Sabtu, 22 Agustus 2015

SLICE OF HEAVEN - Grand Indonesia

[SHORT REVIEW] Back again with another food review after being so busy for a while. Take a look at the cheese above! How can you not love it? Another new restaurant in Grand Indonesia: Slice of Heaven.

Rabu, 12 Agustus 2015

WHATS UP CAFE - Margonda, Depok

Untuk pertama kalinya saya mereview restaurant di luar Jakarta, yaitu Kota Depok. Banyak bloggers yang mereview restoran kelas atas dengan harga selangit yang sebetulnya tidak terjangkau oleh semua kalangan. Pembaca hanya dapat melihat foto-foto makanan tersebut, namun pada kenyataannya tidak dapat mencoba. kali ini, saya mencoba mengajak kalian ke satu cafe di Depok yang menyajikan makanan simple yang disulap menjadi makanan super enak!

Kamis, 06 Agustus 2015

LetterD. Cuisine & Bar - Ahmad Dahlan / Gandaria

I have been very excited to visit this restaurant ever since they started to open the door for the first time. The reason is no other than the restaurant is owned by a former Judge of Master Chef Indonesia season 1, Chef Degan Septoadji. Well honestly, I was not familiar with the Chef until I watched the show. I have always wanted to try a restaurant owned by celebrity chefs because you know, you are curious if they really have that skills to wow us as TV Audience.