ARTS CAFE is probably one of the latest lines of Buffet restaurant in a 5 star Hotel in Jakarta. I had been so drooling to try their buffet either lunch or dinner from December 2015. But I finally managed to try it on 2 January 2016 for my New Year's dinner with friends. They were always fully booked during the weekend and so it is recommended to reserve your table a few days earlier. FYI, we reserved ours on 28 December 2015 for 2 January 2016 but our name was not listed when we arrived.
Luckily, they still had a reserved table hidden in a corner of the room which is probably used for VIP or something (photo below)
First thing first! The buffet package for Dinner is IDR 459.800 Nett excluding drinks. They have a BCA CC promotion: Pay 1 for 2 persons. So, you can say its around for IDR 230.000 nett per person.
At first, I was amazed by the range of desserts that they offered. It was a heaven for dessert lovers as they had different varieties of cakes and pastries. Below are some of their main courses. They had a lot of different beef options like below and the buttered fish was really good!.
If you like Sushi, then you are not gonna miss these Sushi and Sashimi sections! I personally don't enjoy Sushi Sashimi and stuffs! So, I can not judge anything about it. But their Sashimi was portioned in a small plate so you have to grab as many plate as you want in order to get more!
At the time of my dinner, they had 2 different pizzas and a few varieties of bread. It came with some selections of cheese, ham, butter, jam, and many other condiments. The pizza was just okay, not a specialty pizza. I didn't try any of the bread because I was so full with the cakes :)
They had a great selections of sweet cakes from brownies, mousse, chocolate cake, and many other cakes that I don't even know the name. Don't forget to try their Chocolate Vondue!
Although you can take as many food as you like, you will still be served (in your table) with a 5 small plate course of their signature dishes. From Foie Gras, Grilled Salmon, Prawn with Pickles, Tenderloin and Soup (last time was Pumpkin Soup). The salmon and The Tenderloin were perfect!
Actually, The Foie Gras was unlimited, you can take as many as you like from the Sushi Section! At first, I wasn't really sure when I took it until I tasted it. Honestly, I never want to try Foie Gras as I am against Duck or Goose cruelty. When I tried it, I have to say it was ugly (sorry to say). It tasted like blood literally.
Last but not least, The Drinks! The Buffet package does not come with any drinks! It was so pity that they didn't even provide mineral water. You can order your drinks from the ala carte menu: Mineral Water (Aqua Reflection 330ml IDR 55.000), Soft Drinks (IDR 55.000), Coffees, Wine, Cocktail to TWG Tea (IDR 65.000 & 75.000). All prices are excluded 21% (Service Tax & Government Tax). I ordered the 'For You Tea' by TWG like below (IDR 65.000). Its a green tea based with a little hint of flowery flavor. I also like the Sencha TWG, its the purest green tea.
Raffles Hotel Jakarta 1st Floor
Ciputra World, Jakarta Selatan
Reservation is required
Phone: 021.29880888 (Raffles Hotel)
EMAIL: jktdelicacy@gmail.com
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