Menu Lists

Rabu, 31 Mei 2017

Scrumptious Breakfasting Buffet at Bengawan - Keraton

Another scrumptious break-fasting option for this Ramadan, introducing Ramadan Breakfasting Buffet by Bengawan Restaurant at Keraton at The Plaza. A yearly buffet festive from Bengawan where you can eat as much as you want. This is our second year in a row trying their Indonesian mixed Middle Eastern stye buffet and its by far a satisfying one. Well they actually have a lot more to offer such as Japanese Sushi & Sashimi, Turkey's Kebab, Western Barbeque, and not to mention their favorite desserts! I'll let the pictures speak by themselves, let's take a look!

Rabu, 17 Mei 2017

Papa Mama Bistro & Coffee - Jakarta Barat

New Coffee Shop & Bistro in West Jakarta! Not sure if you guys have heard a bread and pastry shop called Papa Mama, but I knew them ever since I moved to Taman Ratu Indah in West Jakarta. They have been there for quite a while focusing on bread, cakes, and pastry. Until this May 2017 when we were surprised by their new Papa Mama Coffee & Bistro. Its a totally different shop? We visited there for some quick lunch and look what we found, delicious brunch menus! Without further a due, let's have a quick tour to their new shop!

Senin, 15 Mei 2017

Buka Puasa Komplit di La Moda Plaza Indonesia

Gw mau rekomendasiin satu tempat yang pas banget buat buka puasa selama periode Ramadan nanti. Entah kalian pernah denger cafe / lounge ini, tapi La Moda di Plaza Indonesia ini salah satu lokasi favorite gw buat hang out sekedar ngopi2 atau makan berat. Selama masa Ramadan ini, La Moda keluarin promo menarik guys dan bukan sekedar promo basa basi loh. Jadi pas buka puasa nanti, kalian bisa nikmatin Tajil sepuasnya, tajil nya super banyak dari cake manis, asin, gurih, goreng2an, kolak dan banyak lagi. Terus dapet Set Menu gitu buat berdua, porsi nya itu loh besar banget. Coba dilihat dulu yukk kaya gimana!

Sabtu, 13 Mei 2017

Wine Tasting with Basiollo by DSP Wine & Spirits

Its our very first Wine Tasting event, like properly tasting wines with some great explanation about how to enjoy wines, which glasses to use and about the wine itself. The event was held in Papillon Duo at Pacific Place, Saturday 6 May 2017. Its a very exciting event where influencers from different backgrounds (food, lifestyle, fashion, travel) came together to taste  4 different wines from Batasiolo by DSP Wines & Spirits, a leading wine distributor in Indonesia. You are also looking at those beautiful immaculate wine glasses by Riedel Indonesia! So, let's check out more!

Jumat, 12 Mei 2017

Tips Mencegah Radang Tenggorokan Selama Travelling

Guys, mau tanya nih biasa kalau kalian setelah Sikat Gigi, diakhiri dengan obat kumur gak sih? Soalnya gw pribadi sih pasti berkumur pake obat kumur terutama malem sebelum tidur, biar mulut rasanya bener2 bersih. Apalagi kalau seharian minum teh dan kopi rasanya sisa2 bau kopi menempel di mulut. Terus kalau lagi travelling kaya kemarin kita ke Surabaya, kita terlalu sering makan yang gak sehat dan jarang minum air putih. Hasilnya baru hari kedua jalan2 udah kerasa tenggorokan gak enak, kayak gatel dan sakit saat nelen. Apalagi kurang makan sayur dan buah yang berserat ya. Nah di blog kali ini gw mau share sedikit info tentang tips menjaga mulut dan tenggorokan supaya sehat. Yuk baca selengkapnya.

Selasa, 09 Mei 2017

Warung MJS Setiabudi (ex Mbah Jingkrak)

Guys mungkin kalian pernah denger restoran namanya Mbah Jingkrak. Personally kita belum pernah cobain walaupun sering denger nama nya beberapa tahun silam. Nahhh ternyata sekarang mereka sudah berubah nama menjadi Warung MJS yang diambil dari 'Mbah Jingkrak Setiabudi'. Konsep Warung MJS ini masih sama dengan yang sebelumnya, yaitu authentic Indonesian restaurant dengan menu khas Indonesia. Interior nya juga masih sama seperti sebelumnya yaitu antik, kuno, mistis dan unik. Buat yang penasaran yuk baca selengkap nya!

Minggu, 07 Mei 2017

Indonesian High Tea at Kila Kila by Akasya

We've experienced a lot of fine western style of high tea, from a simple restaurant's high tea, a medium class lounge's to a 5 star hotel's high tea. But we never quite experienced an afternoon high tea with local traditional Indonesian desserts. And Kila Kila by Akasya might be the pioneer at least in Jakarta. Milenial consumers tend to spend money on something modern, high tech, advanced and stuff, including on modern food. But what about our own Indonesian heritage? This is the main background of why Kila Kila introduces this unique high tea. Let's check out more!

Jumat, 05 Mei 2017

Staycation at Shangri-La Hotel Surabaya

Back to a hotel review, I think its really been a while like the last time I had a nice stay was in Bali. I really like to experience something new to my trip, or lets say 'Staycation' where you pamper yourself around a nice resort with all of their facilities. I've been to exotic places around the country and I'm still exploring at this moment. Last week 29 April - 1 May 2017, we went to Surabaya for a 3 day trip with our friends, and the last time I visited Surabaya was like more than 10 years ago when I was elementary grade. I forgot everything about Surabaya and I had imagine going back one day with the new Surabaya. You know I admire Surabaya's mayor, Ibu Risma, with all her big transformation to the second biggest city in Indonesia. Our first stay in Surabaya was in Shangri-La Hotel Surabaya. Let's check out more!