Finally, KAUM is bringing their business here in Jakarta! Its their 3rd outlet after Hongkong's and Bali's, and we were so excited to try it. We have visited their Bali's outlet and it is by far one of the best Indonesian restaurants in Seminyak (if not in Bali). Since then, we had such quite high expectation for their new outlet in Jakarta. It was a breathtaking experience once we stepped inside the restaurant as it was totally a new experience here. Room was very uniquely Indonesia and it really felt like home actually. So, how's the food? Well, we have covered our tasting result here. Let's check it out.
It was very dimmed during dinner time, so apologize for the messed up pictures here. Some of you knew that I lost my camera, and by the time I had my dinner here, I didn't have a proper lens for my camera (to support low light photo).
Fresh Juices: The Green and The Red (70k).
Assorted sambals: Sambal Matah, Sambal Ikan Teri, Sambal Kluwek, Sambal Rica Rica (20k each). I didn't quite fond of each of them, as they didn't really stand out for my palette. I expected the sambal matah to be more salty or savory, because all I tasted was raw ingredients (mostly red onion).
Here's our table that night. We shared our food for 9 people and this was just part (half) of all the dishes that we ordered :)
Let's start from the least favorite one: Mie Gomak (Bataknese noodle). I am actually a fan of this kind of noodle, thick firm spicy wet noodle. There are a few similar noodle like this: Mie Godog Jawa, Mie Aceh, and more. But unfortunately, this one was far from my expectation. There was no particular flavor that I loved from this dish, the ingredients tasted kinda raw for me. Its hard to explain but the ingredients didn't quite blend/ sip into the noodle. Its quite spicy though.
The second least favorite is this Sate Sapi Wagyu Maranggi (130k). The name sounds like something so mouthwatering, at least from the word Wagyu. My expectation was tender and flavorful meat. But unfortunately, the meat was very tough to chew, flavor wasn't really quite there yet. They did provide some peanut sauce and sweet soy sauce, but I always tried the original satay before dipping into the sauce.
This Sate Buntel Acar Rujak (120k) was a lot better than the previous Satay. Its so thick, juicy, moist and indeed tasty, made of juicy minced goat. You can have it with their Acar Sayuran or Sambal kecap kecombrang.
Next, Ayam Berantakan (65k) inspired from Aceh dish. From the name itself, we thought that it was like shreded chicken or pulled chicken. Instead, it was fried herbed chicken with serundeng (fried coconut), fried garlic, curry leaf, mushroom and chili. Flavor wise, the meat was rather plain. We expected more salty and savory.

This is Gulai Udang (85k) with spicy curry spices ala Acehnese, Okra and Banana. It was tasty with that thick curry sauce. Perfect with steamed rice :)
This is the only same dish that I had in KAUM Bali back in 2016. It was Ikan Bakar Sambal Dabu Dabu (120k) - fish fillet with dabu dabu pickles. The fish was smooth and well marinated with sweet flavored sauce. Enough said :)
This is my most favorite one: Bistik Jawa (230k). Tender beef fillet with fried baby potato, cooked with sweet savory sauce. The meat was slightly chewy, but it was paid off with that tasty spices.
Its desserts time!!! Since we had a super amazing desserts experience at KAUM Bali, we set our standart very high for KAUM Jakarta. The one that we really loved the most (at KAUM Bali) was their Klappertart! We were very excited when they had the same dessert on the menu. But when it arrived on the table, we were kinda sad knowing that it was very different. The Klappertart itself was really good, although I expected it to be served cold. This one was warm with that sweet thick brown sauce, instead of Coconut ice cream like the one in Bali.
This is the one at Bali as comparison. Presentation wise, its totally different right?
My Favorite Kue Lumpur with Bubur Ketan Hitam (45k). The kue lumpur is perfectly sweet, soft & smooth. The combination with warm bubur ketan hitam makes it a really enjoyable dessert!
This is clearly Kue Lapis Surabaya with Selai Nanas Madu (45k). I wasn't crazy about this one, the cake was slightly dry for my liking.
Overall, KAUM is certainly a very thoughfully designed restaurant in the heart of Central Jakarta. Its strategically located just behind Mandarin Oriental!!! In our opinion, Food needs to be redefined and at least set on par with its senior restaurant at Bali. We would love to come back again a few months later for another try :)
Jl. Dr. Kusuma Atmaja No. 77 – 79, Menteng, Central Jakarta
Opening Hours:
- Mon -Thu : 18.00 – 00.00
- Fri - Sat : 18.00 – 02.00
- Sun : 18.00 – 22.00
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