Sesuai judulnya topik pembahasan kali ini to the point aja mengenai diskon 50% off food di restaurant apabila reservasi dengan aplikasi CHOPE! Jadi Chope ini sendiri sudah terkenal di luar negeri sebagai website/ applikasi khusus reservasi restaurant yang memberikan berbagai benefit kepada penggunanya seperti diskon makanan, special price food package, dll. Apa sih bedanya Chope app dengan applikasi sejenis lainnya? Nah untuk cari tau lebih lengkapnya, yuk simak pembahasan kita kali ini.
Menu Lists
- Bali - Alila Ubud, Ubud
- Bali - Alaya Resort, Ubud
- Bali - Four Seasons Resort at Sayan, Ubud
- Bali - Marriott Vacation Club, Nusa Dua
- Bali - Natya Resort, Ubud
- Bali - Nau Villas Ubud, Ubud
- Bali - Padma Resort Ubud, Ubud
- Bali - Puri Sebali Resort, Ubud
- Bali - Wapa Di Ume, Sidement
- Bali - Wapa Di Ume, Ubud
- Bali - Bebek Tepi Sawah Villas, Ubud
- Bali - The Sakala Resort, Tanjung Benoa
- Bali - Hotel Tugu Bali, Canggu
- Bali - S18 Bali Villas, Kuta
- Bali - Four On Drupadi, Seminyak
- Bogor - Royal Tulip Gunung Geulis
- Gading Serpong - JHL Solitaire (Junior Suite)
- Gorontalo - Pulo Cinta Eco Resort
- Jakarta - Four Seasons Premium Suite
- Jakarta - Grand Hyatt Jakarta
- Jakarta - Keraton at The Plaza
- Jakarta - Holiday Inn Kemayoran
- Jakarta - Holiday Inn & Suites Gajah Mada
- Jakarta - Harris Vertu Suite Room
- Jakarta - Shangri-La
- Jakarta - Swissotel Jakarta
- Lombok - Katamaran Resort
- Lombok - Katamaran Resort (Private Pool Villa)
- Lombok - Jeeva Beloam Beach Camp
- Lombok - Jeeva Klui
- Lombok - Jeeva Santai Resort
- Malang - Tugu Hotel Malang
- Paris - Novotel Paris Centre Tour Eiffel
- Surabaya - Shangri-La Hotel
- Surabaya - Vasa Hotel (Apartment)
- Sydney - Shangri-La Hotel Sydney
- Sydney - Sofitel Sydney Wentworth
- Yogyakarta - Marriot Yogyakarta
- Yogyakarta - The Amartya
- Australia - Melbourne Food Recommendation
- Australia - Perth Travel Tips
- Australia - Sydney Travel Guide & Budget Tips
- Australia - Sydney Taronga Zoo
- Austria - Visa Schengen Application in Jakarta
- Japan - Tokyo Autumn Experience
- Japan - Otaru Winter Experience
- Japan - Sapporo Winter Experience
- Singapore - Jewel Changi
- Thailand - Chocolate Ville Bangkok
- Thailand - Santorini Park
- Scotland - Edinburgh Travel Guide 2019
- United Kingdom - London Travel Guide 2019
- United Kingdom - Visa Application in Jakarta
- Belitung - Belitung Travel Guide
- Gorontalo - Pulo Cinta Eco Resort Travel Guide
- Jawa - Tol Trans Jawa Jakarta ke Yogyakarta
- Sulawesi Tengah - Togean Island
- Yogyakarta - Rekomendasi 3 Hotel di Yogyakarta
Kamis, 20 Desember 2018
Diskon 50% dengan Reservasi Restoran via CHOPE App!
Senin, 10 Desember 2018
The First All You Can Eat Korean BBQ at MAGAL Premium Senayan City
You've probably heard the brand 'Magal' Korean BBQ for so many times, but you've probably never noticed that there's actually one particular outlet at Senayan City that offers All You Can Eat Korean BBQ! Introducing Magal Premium at Senayan City 5th Floor! They started this new promotion just a few months before this writing and we're excited to share this good news to all of you! You'll be surprised to find out that the AYCE rate is starting from only IDR 199.000 for their regular package! Where else can you get Korean BBQ buffet that 'cheap'? We'll find out now :)
Selasa, 04 Desember 2018
Flynn Dine & Bar ~ A cozy bar and dining at Mega Kuningan

A new exciting dining spot is now opening, this is Flynn Dine & Bar. A bar & restaurant with casual modern vibe and super laid back ambiance. Its located at the former E&O restaurant around Lingkar Mega Kuningan, South Jakarta. As what we heard from the Head Chef, they waited for a whole long year to get this beautiful spot. The Head Chef was previously working in a popular restaurant in Jakarta before he finally decided to establish his own restaurant. The food itself is a combination of Indonesian, Asian, and Western fusion. We'll show you our short review of this newly opened restaurant.
Kamis, 29 November 2018
[YOUTUBE VLOG] Alasan Utama Membeli iPhone XR
Made a quick review about our new baby The iPhone XR! Most people underrated this phone for it is having low resolution screen, lacking second camera, thick bezel, etc. But we do believe there are more than just 'Technical Specs' on the paper. It is a great phone with all those new powerful technologies. So, watch the video and give us your opinion. Don't forget to subscribe to our youtube channel :)
Rabu, 21 November 2018
MANTRA Indonesia ~ Perpaduan Masakan Manado dan Minang
Beberapa hari lalu ketika main ke Street Galery Pondok Indah Mall, kita nemuin satu restoran Indonesia yang baru banget buka. Namanya adalah MANTRA Indonesia, restoran perpaduan khas Manado - Minang (Padang) dan masakan nusantara lainnya. Paling tidak itu yang kami ketahui mengenai restoan Mantra ini. Tidak seperti masakan Indonesia pada umumnya yang kita sering temui di Jakarta, Mantra ini lebih menekankan pada menu-menu seafood yang fresh dengan rempah yang kuat seperti udang goreng bakar, steam kakap, srimping (scallop) goreng, dll. Nah untuk lebih detailnya, yuk baca review lengkap kita mengenai Mantra Indonesia.
Senin, 12 November 2018
The Grounds of Alexandria ada di Jakarta? Bukan, ini The Garden!
Kalau melihat foto ini, yang terbayang dipikiran kita langsung adalah The Grounds of Alexandria. Bagi anak2 muda yang pernah ke Sydney dan suka dengan cafe2 di sana pasti mengenal The Grounds tersebut, karena itu sangat iconic hingga ke mancanegara. Kebetulan pas kita lagi ke La Piazza Kelapa Gading, kita cukup surprise melihat taman/ lorong dengan air pancur yang sangat mirip sekali. Entah itu memang inspirasi mereka dari The Grounds atau memang kebetulan saja, tapi kita cukup menikmati sih. Di blog kali ini kita tidak akan mereview banyak ya, tapi cukup menikmati foto-foto yang kami dapat di sana.
Jumat, 09 November 2018
Tucano's Churrascaria - Brazilian BBQ & Buffet
Have anyone of you tried Brazilian cuisines in Jakarta? Well, honestly we never either until we visited Tucano's Churrascaria - Brazilian BBQ & Buffet at Central Jakarta. If you've never heard about Brazilian cuisines, then we are pretty sure that you have no clue about how they look and taste like. So, here we tried their Brazilian BBQ which is kind of similar to middle eastern one in terms of how they serve the grilled beef from a big iron skewer. If you see the picture above, the Chef comes to your table and slice the meat for you. As this is a buffet restaurant, you'll get to enjoy as much meat as you can within a certain time limit. We'll discuss a lot more on this special Brazilian cuisines, check it out!
Jumat, 02 November 2018
Review Belanja Sayur & Buah2an Online + Harga & Promo!
Untuk pertama kalinya berbelanja sayur dan buah2an melalui ecommerce online. Kita mencoba berbelanja di via applikasi nya langsung. Dan pengalaman berbelanja kita cukup menyenangkan, apalagi banyak promo yang ditawarkan untuk customer baru. Nah kita berbelanja cukup banyak, bukan hanya sayur2an dan buah2an, tapi juga jus buah, teh, kopi, dll. Nah kalau mau tau lebih lanjut, silakan tonton langsung di Youtube Vlog kita yang satu ini. Jangan lupa di subscribe ya :)
Jumat, 26 Oktober 2018
Joe & Dough ~ Coffee Shop x Bakery from Singapore
All the way from Singapore, that the first tagline that we heard when they gonna open up their first outlet in Jakarta, Indonesia. This is Joe & Dough, a coffee shop and a bakery originated from Singapore. Currently having 12 outlets in Singapore itself and they are opening their first ever overseas outlet in Jakarta on 29 October 2018. We got the privilege to experience their business during the pre-opening event on 25 October 2018. It is located at Plaza Indonesia 2nd floor just across Sephora. And as of our pre-opening event, they were still some minor construction on the interior, so you may see the final result on the opening day. Let's check out our experience here!
Senin, 15 Oktober 2018
[NEW MENU] A&W Asian Mixbowl - Hadir Kembali di Indonesia
Untuk kesekian kalinya kita hadir di event launching menu terbarunya A&W Restoran Indonesia! A&W ini memang terkenal dengan menu nya yang Amerika banget kan. Tapi kali ini mereka meluncurkan kembali menu special Asian Mixbowl yang pernah laris 2 tahun lalu. Nah menu special ini dikeluarkan dalam jangka waktu yang terbatas ya, jadi tidak akan tersedia secara permanent. Mulai hari Senin, 15 Oktober 2018 menu Asian Mixbowl ini sudah dapat kalian coba di semua outlet A&W Jabodetabek dan akan disusul ke seluruh daerah di Indonesia (termasuk ke Papua loh). Untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut mengenai menu baru ini, yuk simak liputan kita!
Minggu, 07 Oktober 2018
Hokkaido Izakaya ~ Authentic Hokkaido Cuisines in Jakarta
Little did we know that Hokkaido Izakaya is an international franchised Japanese Restaurant from its original country Japan. As its name says, they are bringing Hokkaido vibe into the restaurant with all those Japanese hospitality on their services. Upon entering the restaurant, we could feel the true Japanese atmosphere and ambiance, especially with the presence of many Japanese customers. The interior and the architecture truly resemble what most Hokkaido restaurants offer. We tasted quite a lot of different kinds of food here and we are excited to share it with you guys. So, read more!
Jumat, 28 September 2018
[YOUTUBE VLOG] Malang Travel Vlog ~ Hotel Tugu Malang & Saigon San
Setelah review kami mengenai Hotel Tugu Malang dan Restoran Saigon San bertema Royal Angkor, kali ini kami telah merangkum seluruh trip Malang kami ke dalam 2 seri video Youtube yang dapat kalian saksikan di sini.
Selasa, 25 September 2018
Holiday inn Kemayoran - Cabana Room with Executive Lounge Access
Bulan September 2018 ini memang bulannya liburan buat kita ya, karena habis selesai liburan dari Malang dan Bali kemarin, kita lanjut lagi staycation 1 malam di Jakarta. Kali ini kita mau menjajal (ciehh kaya review gadget) Holiday Inn Kemayoran, hotel bintang 4 di bilangan Kemayoran yang terkoneksi dengan Food Centrum Mall. Kita menginap di Cabana Room nya dengan private balkon yang menghadap langsung ke pool area. Sebagai informasi, pool dan gym berada di lantai 3 dimana room dengan balkon hanya ada di lantai 3 ini. Selain itu kita juga mendapatkan akses ke Executive Lounge yang berada di lantai 3 juga. Nah untuk membahas lebih lengkap, yuk simak review kita kali ini.
Kamis, 20 September 2018
Saigon San ~ Restoran Yang Terinspirasi Royal Angkor di Angkor Wat
Saigon San adalah restoran dengan perpaduan nuansa kerajaan Vietnam dan Thailand pada masa lalu, dimana restoran ini terbagi menjadi 2 ruangan utama: ruangan bertema kerajaan dan ruangan bertema peninggalan reruntuhan kuno. Gambar yang sedang kalian lihat di atas adalah ruangan bertema kerajaan dengan interior mewah ala bangsawan dan bernuansa emas & merah. Saigon San sendiri merupakan bagian dari Hotel Tugu Malang dengan spesialisasi masakan Vietnam dan Thailand. Kami berkesempatan untuk makan malam di sini selama masa menginap kami di Hotel Tugu Malang. Banyak sekali peninggalan jaman kuno yang terdokumentasikan dan tersimpan dengan baik di dalam restoran ini. Untuk lebih jelasnya, silakan membaca artikel ini.
Selasa, 18 September 2018
Hotel Tugu Malang ~ Hotel Terbaik di Malang dengan Santapan Kuliner Lezat
Akhirnya bisa staycation pertama kalinya di kota Malang, karena biasanya hanya di Jakarta atau Bali. Kali ini mau menginap selama 2 malam di hotel terbaik di Malang. Yes, ini Hotel Tugu Malang, hotel terbaik di Malang versi berbagai website booking hotel di internet seperti, Agoda, dan Tripadvisor. Penerbangan kami dari Jakarta menggunakan Sriwijaya Air hanya menempuh 1 jam saja, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan taksi bandara selama 30 menit. Sesampainya di Hotel Tugu, kami langsung disambut oleh staff hotel yang sangat ramah dengan senyuman hangat. Setelah check in, kami langsung diantar menuju kamar kami di lantai 2 dengan tipe kamar 'Zamrud of East Java Suite'. Nah mau tau keseruan staycation kami di Hotel Tugu Malang? Langsung baca selengkapnya di article ini ya :)
Minggu, 09 September 2018
Take A Bite ~ A Harry Potter Theme Cafe in Pluit
A very short review about TAKE A BITE, the newly opened Harry Potter themed cafe in Pluit! Iya ini kalau tidak salah udah buka berapa minggu, tapi baru terdengar gemingnya setelah salah satu akun foodie mempostingnya. Dan benar adanya, hari Sabtu 8 September kemarin kita dateng dan parkiran mobilnya membludak hingga memakan 2 lapis badan jalan. Posisi nya ini di seberang Pluit Village dan cafe nya ini besar banget. Design pintu masuknya juga dibuat semirip mungkin seperti gedung statiun kereta Hogwards kali ya. Nah karena kita dateng hanya sebentar, mungkin kita akan sharing sedikit saja bagaimana pengalaman pertama masuk ke sini.
Selasa, 04 September 2018
Arumdalu Farm ~ Taman Bunga Matahari Cantik di Gading Serpong
Awalnya melihat taman bunga matahari kaya gini berasa sejuk dan seperti di luar negeri ya. Maklum di Kota besar di Indonesia sudah jarang sekali ada pemandangan seperti ini. Makanya waktu kita tahu di Gading Serpong ada taman ini, kita langsung dateng esok hari nya, kebetulan di hari Sabtu. Nah kebun bunga matahari ini ada di Arumdalu Farm yg terletak di dalam areal Scientia Square Park, Gading Serpong. Bayangan kita di awal itu adalah ini taman yang super luas dengan hamparan bungan matahari yang sangat banyak. Tapi ternyata kok? Nah mending baca dulu ya sebelum kalian berkunjung ke sini.
Laughing Cow Beer Bar ~ The Best Herbal Soup Shabu-Shabu in Town
Another New Shabu Shabu House in town from the same group of Eight Treasures, introducing Laughing Cow Beer Bar at Citywalk Ground Floor. They are currently having opening promo 30% off only until 5 September 2018, So if you're reading this before 6 Sept you better go and try it right now! Current Shabu Shabu trend is dominated by Sechuan Mala style with its spicy mala pepper soup. Laughing Cow doesn't seem to follow the same trend as they are more into their signature herbal soup, though they do have their own Mala Soup. As this is a very short review, we'll make it quick about why or why not you should visit this restaurant. Let's check it out!
Kamis, 30 Agustus 2018
Chong Qing Liu Yi Shou - Best Mala Hot Pot in Town
To the point aja ya, baru pertama kali cobain Chong Qing Liu Yi Shou Hot Pot di Neo Soho dan bisa dibilang ini adalah THE BEST MALA HOT POT in town. Ini adalah cabang kedua mereka, karena cabang utamanya ada di Pantai Mutiara. Tenang, gw cukup subjective dalam penilaian dan gw sudah pernah cobain competitor nya seperti Little Sheep atau Shu Guo Yin Xiang. Dan menurut gw Chong Qing ini sangat Sechuan banget, terutama untuk kuah pedas Mala nya. Kita makan berlima (dewasa) dan kita habisin 1.250.000 untuk porsi yang pas (tidak kekurangan dan tidak kelebihan). Tanpa panjang lebar, langsung lihat beberapa photo kita ya.
Senin, 13 Agustus 2018
Sapporo Hokkaido Winter Itinerary ~ Travel Guide!
Trip Sapporo ini sebenarnya di December 2017, waktu itu dadakan bikin plan ke Jepang bareng family lengkap kecuali tanpa Lucy. Nah bulan December kan sedang puncaknya musim salju ya, jadi dinginnya itu bisa sampe minus. So jangan heran kalau hampir di semua lokasi terdapat salju. Mungkin untuk banyak orang (terutama yang tinggal di daerah tropikal kaya kita Indonesia) akan sangat menantikan pengalaman bersalju tebal, tapi sebenarnya musim salju itu tidak seindah yang kalian bayangkan. Well anyway, di Blog kali ini kita akan bagi2 sedikit informasi tentang Sapporo, terutama lokasi2 wisata yang wajib kalian kunjungi. Cusss baca selengkapnya!
Senin, 06 Agustus 2018
LE BURGER - Fancy Gourmet Burger at SCBD
So we found this newly opened Le Burger, located just next to Vong Kitchen if you guys know. It is visible from the main street of SCBD although you have to enter the Alila Hotel to park your vehicle. For those who don't know Alila Hotel, it is precisely located across Pacific Place. The restaurant is divided into two areas: dimmed reddish indoor area and open space outdoor with roof. When you plan to come here, you know you either gonna eat burger or have some drinks, because they don't sell any other foods. We initially didn't intend to review the whole restaurant, but then we really loved their Truffle Burger. So why not sharing a recommended restaurant, right? Here we go!
Selasa, 31 Juli 2018
[YOGYA VLOG] Review 3 Hotel Terbaik di Yogyakarta ~ Marriot, Tentrem, The Amartya!
Halo guys, mungkin sebagian dari kalian sudah nonton Vlog Youtube kita selama di Yogyakarta. Vlog kita ini terbagi menjadi 3 series, masing2 terdiri dari 1 review hotel dan beberapa review cafe atau tempat wisata menarik lainnya. Nah di Blog post kali ini kita sudah rangkum ketiga Youtube Vlog ini menjadi satu agar lebih mudah mencarinya. Sebelum nonton, please Subscribe di Youtube channel kami agar kami dapat terus membuat video2 review lainnya. Cekidot!
Senin, 23 Juli 2018
Blanco Par Mandif ~ Ubud's Best Fine Dining Restaurant
Let us introduce you to one of the best fine dining restaurants in Ubud; Blanco Par Mandif. As its name says, this restaurant is led by the head chef Mandif M. Warokka, one of the most renown Chefs in Indonesia. Earlier in 2018, we were privileged to experience his 'Chef to Table' 5 course dinner during a special event held by Ismaya in Senayan City. This year (June 2018), we were invited to experience his restaurant during our trip to Bali. We are no expert in Fine Dining cuisines, so we'll give you our preview of how the restaurant and the foods look like. Ps: there's a surprise at the end of this article, so don't close it until the end!
Rabu, 18 Juli 2018
Plunge Dining & Co - The New Brunch Cafe in West Jakarta
Came here on 14 July 2018 and knew it from a friend of us who visited here the day before! They were 2 weeks old by the time we visited here and they just introduced their complete dining menus. Plunge Dining & Co is located at Jalan Pesanggrahan, Kembangan, West Jakarta. Its not a big cafe in terms of physical size, but we truly enjoyed their unique food creations (especially their breakfast/ brunch menus). We won't categorize this as a coffee shop, simply because they serve good food and service you just like in a fine dining restaurant. There's one staff dressed up in a formal suit serving you the best 5 star dining service, its in-between nice but unusual for a small cafe (especially around West Jakarta). Interior wise they are very minimalist like literally so minimal decoration. Let's check out our dining experience here.
Senin, 16 Juli 2018
Marriott Yogyakarta ~ New Luxurious 5 Star Hotel in Yogyakarta
Never crossed in our mind staying at this relatively new Marriott Hotel Yogyakarta when we were planning to visit Yogyakarta back in June 2018. It was until one of our friends who apparently traveled with us informed us that there's this beautiful hotel in Yogyakarta. Why Marriott? Well, its simple! Its new, its beautiful and more importantly, the price that they offered online was pretty low for a 5 star hotel. In fact, it was the lowest International 5 star hotel chain we've ever experienced in Indonesia (for the same class). Marriott Yogyakarta itself was officially open since last October 2018. Without further a due, let's check out our review here.
Rabu, 11 Juli 2018
Ssikkek Korean BBQ - Buffet BBQ Paling Terjangkau di Sunter
Ssikkek Korean BBQ Sudah buka di Sunter! Yup kalau kita tidak salah sih ini merupakan relokasi dari outlet mereka yang ada di MOI Kelapa Gading. Lokasinya ada di Jalan Yos Sudarso, Sunter, Mungkin bukan daerah yang sering kalian lewati ya guys. Tapi karena orang tua kita tinggal di Kelapa Gading, jadi kita cukup familiar dengan daerah ini. Sssikkek ini sendiri memposisikan diri mereka sebagai salah satu Korean BBQ Buffet terjangkau di Jakarta. Bayangkan dengan hanya IDR 169.000++/pax, kalian sudah bisa menikmati BBQ sepuasnya tanpa dibatasi waktu! Gila kan, ketika restaurant lain membatasi 90 - 120 menit, di sini kalian puas deh makannya. Review kali ini gak akan panjang lebar ya, jadi mari kita review!
Senin, 09 Juli 2018
Mister Lie ~ Menu Rice Bowl Mulai dari 10.000 Saja!
Tanggal 7 Juli 2018 kemarin kita lagi jalan-jalan ke daerah Gading Serpong dan ada 1 lokasi yang ingin kita tuju: Mister Lie! Mister Lie ini mungkin belum cukup familiar namanya di kalangan foodies Jakarta, namun ketika kita cobain menu-menu barunya kita cukup surprised! Bukan hanya dari segi rasanya yang memang enak, tapi dari segi harga yang bisa terbilang sangat murah. Bayangkan menu rice bowl mereka dijual dengan harga mulai dari IDR 10.000 untuk porsi kecilnya. FYI, Mister Lie ini specialist menu rice bowl dengan topping chicken katsu, karaage, dory, beef, dll. Bisa dibilang variasi makanan nya sangat banyak dengan harga yang super terjangkau. Nah kali ini kita mau review 6 menu mereka termasuk 4 menu terbaru yang baru saja dilaunching bulan Juni 2018. Plus ada Promo Buy 1 Get 1 khusus di bulan Juli 2018 ini, jadi yuk baca review lengkapnya!
Jumat, 06 Juli 2018
Lucky Number Wan - A Chinese Restaurant x Tea House
Lucky Number Wan ~ a relatively new restaurant, around one month old by the time we visited here on early July 2018. Awalnya diinfokan oleh kakak kita yang kebetulan sudah datang terlebih dahulu. Karena penasaran kita langsung datang dan mencoba beberapa menu mereka. Lokasinya ada di Kembangan Jakarta Barat, tepatnya di sebelah Simetri Coffee atau Red Box (milik Agnez Mo). Dari luar tidak terlihat mencolok dan kalau kalian belum tau restaurant ini dan tidak planning untuk datang, pasti kalian tidak akan menyadari bahwa tempat tersebut adalah restaurant. Kali ini kita akan mereview secara singkat tentang tempat baru ini ya.
Senin, 02 Juli 2018
Milu by Nook ~ Dining by The Paddy Fields Experience in Bali
Last May 2018 when we had a family trip to Bali, we brought together all of our (Jeffri's) family to Canggu. We already planned to visit this Milu cafe, another new project by Nook. FYI, Nook is a cafe in Petitenget (Bali) popular for its 'Dining by the paddy field' concept. And now they bring the exact same concept to Canggu area which is quite popular for its vast green paddy field spread across its area. Though we came here just for some cup of drinks, we think its nice to share some photos of our afternoon snacking experience here.
Jumat, 29 Juni 2018
Henry's Grill & Bar ~ Dry Aged Steak House in Bali
Been back to Jakarta from Bali exactly 4 weeks by the time of this writing. And I finally got the time to write a short blog post about this newly opened Steak House at Aryaduta Bali in Kuta. We both were pretty excited when we knew about their restaurant because they are specializing at Dry Aged Beef Steak in which the beef is imported from Australia but dried at their in-house drying machine (or what do you call it for a beef drying storange?). I know this doesn't sound like a typical casual cafe where most Jakartans will visit as it's located in a 5 star hotel. People are getting scared of the price and the formality before they even come. So, in this post I'll share you my honest experience when dining here for lunch (during our staycation at Aryaduta Bali). Let's check it out.
Rabu, 27 Juni 2018
Shu Guo Yin Xiang ~ The Most Talked About Sechuan Hot Pot
Terus terang ya kita udah planning mau ke sini 2 kali tapi batal terus sampai akhirnya mendadak dinner bareng family malem ini 26 Juni 2018. Yuppp, kita membuat review ini di malam yang sama, so bakal singkat, padat dan jujur ya review nya. Namanya Shu Guo Yin Xiang, Chinese restaurant dengan specialist di Sechuan hot pot. Sumpah kita gak hapal2 namanya soalnya cukup rumit di spelling. Tapi kita udah super excited banget pas mau makan di sini soalnya sempet lihat ada yang posting di IG dan terlihat bikin ngiler abis. Nah lokasinya sendiri ada di dalam areal Taman Sari dimana terdapat perkumpulan restoran hot pot Chinese sejenis. Dari luar terlihat biasa saja dan cenderung tidak terbaca karena tertulis huruf kanji Mandarin yang besar, namun ketika kita masuk ke dalam ternyata waiting list nya cukup panjang. Bersiap2 untuk mengantri 1 jam bahkan lebih ya guys. Nah, langsung aja kita review menu2 nya ya!
Senin, 25 Juni 2018
The Amartya ~ Industrial Theme Hotel in Yogyakarta
Guys! Kita baru aja pulang dari Yogyakarta dan kalau kalian perhatiin ada satu hotel yang menurut kita beda dari lain. Namanya The Amartya Yogyakarta, hotel yang baru dibuka untuk umum tanggal 7 Juni 2018 (kita stay tanggal 14-16 Juni 2018). Jadi ketika kita nginep kemarin hotel nya baru berumur semingguan! Terus terang kita bisa tau hotel ini karena rekomendasi temen yang kebetulan kenal dengan sang owner nya. Selama soft opening ini, fasilitas hotel belum tersedia 100%, bisa dibilang hanya sekitar 60% saja. Tapi dengan 60% ini kita sudah cukup puas apalagi dengan pelayanan nya yang luar biasa (Owner turun tangan langsung melayani customer). Yuk baca review selengkapnya di blog kali ini
Minggu, 24 Juni 2018
Yamalu ~ The True Definition of a Hidden Gem
Lately lagi jenuh dengan concept coffee shop yang gitu2 aja, bukannya tidak menghargai seniman kopi ya. Tapi somehow kalau dateng ke coffee shop di Jakarta, kita mendapatkan kesan yang begitu2 saja. Kebanyakan tema interior nya monocrome / kayu dengan rasa kopi yang biasa aja, hingga udah jarang banget kita bener2 mereview Coffee Shop. Tapi awal Juni 2018 kemarin sempet terpikat dengan postingan Insta Story temen yang sedang ada di sebuah halaman luas yang hijau dengan ruangan kaca transparant di dalam nya ada mini bar dengan mesin kopi. Judul nya "A Hidden Gem at Jakarta" seketika kita langsung bertanya, itu di mana? Dan akhirnya kita decided buat datengin. Nah untuk kelanjutannya bisa langsung baca di article kali ini ya.
Rabu, 20 Juni 2018
The Garden - Beautiful Garden Theme Cafe at PIK
The Garden is the new hype in PIK at least from the periode of May to June 2018. The news about this garden themed cafe spreaded like so quickly that everybody wanted to come here for just a cup of tea or coffee. I have to admit that my first impression when I sat down on my sofa seat for a while was that this concept reminded me of The Grounds of Alexandria in Sydney, Australia. Its not like 100% copy because each of them has its own characteristic despite having the same garden concept. But The Garden is for sure an indoor cafe decorated as if we were in an open space garden. This review gonna be short, but we'll show you some beautiful corner here.
Selasa, 19 Juni 2018
Nau Villas Ubud ~ Hidden Paradise at Tegalalang
UBUD is the only place in Bali that I'll never ever miss even just for a night when I'm travelling there. I am a typical person who is really into pure nature and Ubud has it all: rice terrace, jungle, river, mountain, etc. I came across Nau Villas Ubud just a few days before our trip to Bali and we found it on a popular hotel booking website. I instantly fell in love with their private poll villa surrounded by Tegalalang's style rice terrace. The picture above is exactly a similar angle shot that I saw from the website's display picture and its also the reason why I decided to book here. I also bought a drone just 3 days before our flight just to capture the beautiful villa from the sky. I'm gonna share you some beautiful stories about this trip.
Minggu, 17 Juni 2018
Nam Nam Noodle Bar ~ Petitenget, Bali
Just came back from Bali a few weeks ago from 26 May to 1 June 2018 and left a lot of memories. Including this newly opened Nam Nam Noodle Bar at Petitenget, the 4th branch in Indonesia after 3 branches in Jakarta. I have to admit that lately I've been short of time to write more blog posts than I did 1-2 years ago. So, at the time of this blog writing, I was actually just came back home from Jogjakarta. I decided to write a quick review for my most favorite Vietnamese Restaurant in Indonesia! Let's check it out.
Rabu, 06 Juni 2018
Brew Me Fine Blend ~ Tea House & Restaurant at Sanur
Di bulan May 2018 ini kita berkunjung ke salah satu restaurant di Sanur yang baru saja soft opening selama kurang lebih 2 minggu (ketika kami datang). Namanya Brew Me Fine Blend which is a local Bali Tea Brand established in 2013. Dari brand Brew Me inilah tercipta ide untuk membuat satu flagship store yang merupakan perpaduan tea house dan restaurant. Posisi nya cukup strategis di Jalan Bypass Ngurah Rai, Sanur. Selama soft opening ini mereka memberikan promo2 tertentu yang bisa dilihat langsung di Instagram mereka @brewmetea.sanur. Konsep restaurantnya sendiri lebih ke affordable fine dining, jadi makanan yang disajikan terlihat cantik namun tetap terjangkau diberbagai kalangan. Untuk review menu-menu yang kita cobain di sana, bisa langsung baca di review kita kali ini ya :)
Minggu, 03 Juni 2018
[VLOG] PENTING! Wajib Kalian Ketahui Sebelum Membeli Dji Spark Drone
Bisa menangkap gambar yang indah dari ketinggian itu sebuah impian kita dari dulu. Tapi tahukah kalian bahwa Drone itu sangat fragile sekali mengingat pengoperasiannya butuh skill. Itulah yang tidak kita miliki ketika kita membeli Dji Spark. Nah di VLOG kali ini, kita mau membeli info, tips, saran dan sekaligus sharing pengalaman kita ketika menghadapi Drone yang rusak menabrak dinding.
Rabu, 23 Mei 2018
The Common ~ Kota Kasablanka
Another new spot in town, this time introducing THE COMMON! The name sounds like a coffee shop which we can't say its a yes or a no. Because actually there's a specialty coffee in it. The Common is actually the joint of 5 different brands at one spot: Pokinometry, Yoisho Ramen, Sucre Pattisier, Chlouthe Life, and Kopi Kenangan. When you're going to Kota Kasablanka and you're wondering what to eat, then this place should be your one stop restaurant. From healthy food, nice pastries, sweettooth desserts, delicious ramen, to favorite Kopi Susu. Well, we will discuss everything about it in this blog. Check it out!
Sabtu, 19 Mei 2018
Seoul Yummy of Singapore ~ Lippo Mall Kemang
New Korean Restaurant in town, introducing Seoul Yummy! An original franchise from Singapore established in 2008 with over 10 years of culinary experience. They are opening their first branch in Indonesia on 9 May 2018 at Lippo Mall Kemang Ground Floor (Avenue of The Stars). Their signature dishes include Army Stew which is Korean Spicy Noodle Soup, Cheese Pots which is Cheesy Korean Chicken and many other Korean Comfort Food. Without further a due, let's check out our dining experience here!
Kamis, 17 Mei 2018
The new Grand Cafe at Grand Hyatt Jakarta
Excited! For the very first time visiting Grand Cafe at Grand Hyatt Jakarta. And apparently this is the all new Grand Cafe because they officially opened for public on 15 May 2018 for the first time this year after a huge renovation. Its ashamed that we had never been here before, but glad that the new one was amazing. They put the simplest concept into a super beautiful restaurant. Once you step in, you'll be amazed at their idea of a 'luxurious Home' where there are living room, dining room, kitchen, study room, private room and even balcony. Yes, you can sit anywhere that fits you, except for the kitchen where they organize all the food stations. The new Grand Cafe also comes up with a new "Cook to Order" concept, we'll talk about it later. We'll lets check out what we experienced here!
Jumat, 04 Mei 2018
SEPUASNYA Makan Salmon dan Sashimi Seger di Rumah Hemat!!!
Nih buat yang suka banget makan Salmon tapi pengen berhemat, bisa cobain masak Salmon sendiri di rumah. Kalian selain jauh lebih murah daripada di restoran, Salmonnya juga lebih fresh dan sehat. Mau tau gak kita pesen Salmon dan Seafood fresh lainnya di mana? Nah kalian wajib nonton vlog kita kali ini di youtube ya. Kita have fun masak2 dirumah sambil ngereview hasil makanan kita sendiri. Kalau kalian suka dengan vlog nya, Please like dan Subscribe youtube channel kita ya :)
Jumat, 27 April 2018
GOOBNE ~ Korea's Most Popular Oven Roasted Crispy Chicken
ALL THE WAY FROM KOREA (bahasa yang umum digunakan untuk resto yg masuk indo :p) Yasshhh GOOBNE is an original Korean Franchise with over 1.000 outlets in Korea itself. Highly popular for its oven roasted crispy chicken, not oil fry! Its in fact healthier with no oil cooking at all. We noticed Goobne a month ago around March 2018 during their Grand Opening when we had our lunch around PIK area. And now we finally had the chance to visit them and try a few of their signature crispy chicken dishes. Let's check them out!
Jumat, 20 April 2018
Devon Cafe ~ All The Way from Sydney
All the way from Sydney, YES our second home where we pursued our post graduates! We remember we visited their Sydney's outlet back in 2016 during our winter holiday and it was very Aussie. Then we visited their newly opened Jakarta's outlet and it was somehow very different. We didn't really feel the Aussie vibe, possible due to its small space. The room was very packed during Saturday afternoon because the hype was still ON. People came and waited here like nonstop, thanks to the quick spread through social media. As we were also invited for some food tasting, we will only review what we tasted during that day. Let's have a look!
[NEW VLOG] Unboxing Kado Ultah Mewah Lucy Senilai Jutaan
Sebagian dari kalian tau kalau Lucy ulang tahun tanggal 11 April 2018 kemarin. Jadi Jeffri memberikan sebuah hadiah kejutan nih. Nah di VLOG Youtube kali ini, kita berdua akan unboxing langsung kado apa yang ada di dalam black box ini. Hmmmm harga nya selangittttt, jadi buat yang penasaran langsung tonton vlog nya ya!
Rabu, 18 April 2018
Permen Pindy Susu Lulus BPOM & MUI Aman untuk Anak!
Yang masa kecilnya suka banget sama Permen susu siapa hayo? Kita berdua punya banyak kenangan masa kecil dengan permen susu, apalagi tahun 90an akhir (wah ketawan deh umurnya) jajanan itu kan gak sevariatif sekarang ya. Nah yang paling terakhir kita temuin itu Permen Pindy Susu yang satu ini. Permen susu klasik yang rasanya susu banget!
Lately sempet terdengar issue permen susu berbahaya yang mengandung narkoba dan beredar di kalangan anak2 sekolah. Beritanya sempet heboh sih terutama buat orang tua yang anak2 nya bersekolah soalnya anak2 kan tidak begitu paham dengan obat2an terlarang dan cenderung mudah di hasut apabila diimingi2 permen. Di Blog kali ini kita mau bahas sedikit informasi mengenai Permen Pindy Susu dan Informasi mengenai permen ini yang aman dikonsumsi. Yuk baca selengkapnya!
Senin, 16 April 2018
Angke Restaurant - Restoran Keluarga Terfavorit
Setelah sekian tahun menjadi customer langganan Angke Restaurant, akhirnya kita bikin review nya juga di blog. Yesss, ini Angke Restaurant yang legendaris banget dan favorite kita sih selama ini di Kelapa Gading. Soalnya kebetulan keluarga ada di daerah Kelapa Gading juga, jadi kalau kumpul2 keluarga paling pas di sini. Truth to be told, saingan restaurant sejenis di daerah sini gak begitu banyak sih. Apalagi untuk tipe makan Chinese Food nya itu yang bener2 comfort food banget, yakin deh semua orang cocok sama makanan mereka. Tanpa panjang lebar, langsung cuss yuk baca review lengkap nya.
Jumat, 13 April 2018
Celebrating Lucy's Birthday at La Posta - Taste of Argentina
11 April 2018 ~ The day Lucy turned 31 this year. We never really celebrated birthday, only a surprise whole cake in the midnight and a little birthday present. But as Lucy is currently on leave (of the office), we had a day off to get out and have some nice food for lunch. We decided to visit La Posta at KH Mas Mansyur, South Jakarta. Its probably not the newest restaurant around, but we've seen them quite a few times whenever we passed by KH Mas Mansyur. We've covered our dining experience in this blog, so check it out!
Minggu, 08 April 2018
Staycation at the Suite Room of Mercure Hotel PIK
Another staycation! Yes three weeks in a row, we had a weekend staycation at three different hotels. You noticed if you watched our insta story. This time we stayed at a 2 month old 4 star hotel in PIK: Mercure Hotel at Pantai Indah Kapuk. The only international hotel chain around PIK area. This Accor Member is located and connected with PIK Avenue Mall, together with another upcoming 5 star hotel that will be unveiled at the end of 2018 (curious). Our suite room at Mercure PIK was unbelievable and so comfortable. Though its slightly different from a 5 star hotel's suite room in terms space and luxuriousness, this is definitely one of the best rooms we stayed in Jakarta. We can't wait to show you what we experienced!
Rabu, 04 April 2018
EPIK Sunday Brunch by Nusantara Restaurant at Mercure PIK
We were glad to be one of the very first bloggers to try the first ever Sunday Brunch by Nusantara / NSNTR restaurant at Mercure PIK. On 1 April 2018, they launched this EPIK Sunday Brunch Buffet for the first time since they opened the hotel for public two months ago. Its because of the high demand of Sunday Lunch buffet around the area. Mercure PIK itself is the only international hotel chain (4 stars) around PIK. We happened to visit the restaurant on the day we checked out from our one night stay at the hotel. We'll review more about our staycation experience at their Suite room later on. Meanwhile, check out our review about their Sunday Brunch in this blog!
Senin, 02 April 2018
Staycation Experience at Suite Room of Harris Vertu Hotel
Back again at Harris Vertu Hotel at Harmoni. This is our second time staying at this luxurious property by Tauzia Hotel Management (Pop Hotel, Harris Hotel, Yello Hotel and Many more). Back in 2017 we stayed at their Superior room which is their standart room category. You can read more about this Superior room from THE LINK here. This time we stayed at their Suite Room which is their highest room category with 56 sqm spacious room. We had a real pleasure of staying at their 28th floor with a beautiful view of Hayam Wuruk street. What will you get from this Suite room? We'll review it very quick in this post!
Kamis, 29 Maret 2018
PAPA Birdnest - Minuman Burung Walet Original
Kali ini mau kenalin makanan yg special, makanan yang gak umum kita lihat di pasaran yaitu Minuman Sarang Burung Walet aka Birdnest dari @Papa_birdnest. Sekedar informasi keluarga kita sudah mengonsumsi minuman burung walet sejak lama karena kebetulan keluarga juga ada rumah burung walet kecil2an. Tapi kalau kalian cari yang sudah ready to drink ataupun yang untuk dimasak, burung walet dari @papa_birdnest ini salah satu rekomendasi kita. Kalau mau tau bentuk sarang burung walet itu seperti apa mending baca review lengkapnya di blog ini ya.
Rabu, 28 Maret 2018
[NEW VLOG] Complete Review of Keraton ~ Breakfast, Gym, Pool & SPA
Untuk kedua kali nya staycation di Keraton, pertama kali tahun 2017 lalu sih. Kalau kalian mau baca blog nya dulu boleh cek di review LINK INI ya. Nah kali ini agak berbeda soalnya kita mereview secara keseluruhan mulai dari breakfast, gym, pool hingga Spa nya. Wahhhh menarik banget lah pokoknya.
[NEW VLOG] Joody Kebab - The Most Authentic Arabian Restaurant in Kelapa Gading
Sebenarnya kita sudah post VLOG ini dari 21 Maret 2018 namun lupa di update ke BLOG. Jadi kita berkesempatan buat mereview salah satu restoran Arab di Kelapa Gading bernama Joody Kebab. Yessss meskipun ada kata Kebab nya, resto ini sebenarnya menyajikan berbagai menu Khas Arab (dari beberapa negara).
Senin, 26 Maret 2018
Bambaiya - Best Indian Restaurant at Cilandak
Welcome to Bambaiya, a newly opened Indian restaurant at South Quarter Dome, TB Simatupang. A rapid developing area at the south with lots of new office towers. Here at South Quarter, Bambaiya occupies quite a large dedicated space for this Indian restaurant. Once we stepped into the restaurant, we were like entering a whole different part of the world! Yes, it is like the combination of traditional Indian theme with classic old style European bistro. We can't wait to show you what we experienced here, so let's check out more!
Kamis, 15 Maret 2018
Original Magal PIK Korean BBQ - PIK
Congratz for the grand opening of Magal Korean Barbeque at PIK, North Jakarta! We believe this is a different restaurant from "Mapogalmaegi Magal BBQ" though they both are located at PIK. Because this is the 1st official original Korean's Magal BBQ in Indonesia. We luckily got to taste some of their signature dishes, you know some popular Korean dishes such as spicy seafood soup, Japchae (fried vermicelli), topokki, and some other beef barbeque. Its spacious, its very authentic Korean and its delicious. Check out our experience here!
Senin, 12 Maret 2018
Rantang Ibu Restaurant - Pasar Minggu
A heartwarming lunch at Rantang Ibu! Jadi sesuai nama nya Rantang Ibu, restaurant Indonesia yang terletak di Pasang Minggu, Jakarta Selatan ini mengambil konsep makanan Indonesia dengan cita rasa khas Ibu. Makananya bener2 rumahan banget, walaupun secara plating bisa dibilang waw gak terlihat seperti rumahan ya. Interiornya juga dibuat dengan kesan mewah, bisa dilihat dari warna kuning keemasan di hiasan tembok nya. Meja makan nya beralaskan kain putih dengan handuk makan berwarna merah darah memberikan kesan mewah yang berani. Nah mau tau seperti apa Rantung Ibu? Cuss deh baca review singkat kita ya :)
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